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Showing posts with label gradle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gradle. Show all posts

29 April 2014

Thought for the day:

Here is a thought for today:
People will try to use every feature of a product to be "cool".
Therefore, any build tool which permits circular dependencies is a broken tool.
What does the interwebs think?

21 April 2014

I don't care for Gradle.

I could vote for GRADLE-2496 but to be honest, I don't like Gradle enough to create an account just to vote for this issue. Given that the bug was first reported in 2012, few others care enough, too.

11 April 2014

10 second thoughts: Gradle

In my opinion, Gradle is a bad idea, implemented poorly. It should never take dozens of gigabytes of RAM and many tens of minutes, just to load its config files and determine that the command asked was mistyped.